Clearing a logjam
Burkard Polster and Marty Ross
The Age, 10 February 2014
What a difference a century makes. In 1914 the most prominent historians of mathematics gathered to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of a great historical figure. Now, in 2014, barely a peep.
We speak, of course, of the logarithm, the creation of the Scottish baron, amateur mathematician and professional religious fanatic John Napier. Napier laboured twenty long years to produce his tables of logarithms but it was worth it; when the tables finally appeared in 1614 they took the mathematical world by storm.
But why was Napier's work so revolutionary? And why, after such grand celebrations in 1914, including the creation of a wonderful Tercentenary Memorial Volume, is there almost nothing planned for logarithms' 400th anniversary?
Answering the first question will require some explanation, and we'll begin by considering a simple example. Suppose we want to find the product of 512 and 256. Now, we could simply multiply the two numbers in the traditional manner but, well, we're lazy. (Insert Australian Curriculum joke here.) Luckily, we happen to have a table handy, listing the powers of 2:
Now 512 is 2 multiplied by itself 9 times, and 256 is 2 multiplied by itself 8 times. Aha! Since 9 + 8 = 17, that means 512 x 256 must be 2 multiplied by itself 17 times. So, we locate the 17th entry in our table and there's our answer: 131072. Easy!
Of course it was, um, fortuitous that the numbers to be multiplied happened to appear in our table. But putting that aside for now, the technique is astonishingly clever. The effect is to transform a tedious multiplication problem into a simple addition, together with two applications of our table: first to locate the numbers in the left column corresponding to 512 and 256; then to transform backwards, from the sum 17 to our final answer
in the right column.
And there, in a nutshell, you have logarithms. (The name, Greek for "number ratio", is due to Napier.) In the above context we would refer to the numbers 9 and 8 as logarithms base 2, and we would write log2 512 = 9 and log2 256 = 8. Then the heart of the above method is the
(once) familiar
log rule
Notice that the logarithm equation
log2 512 = 9 means nothing more and nothing less than the power equation 29 = 512. A sneaky
way to relate the two equations is the very clever "sock rule":
The above method of transforming multiplication into addition (and, similarly, division into subtraction) is so elegant, it's amazing that no one discovered it prior to Napier. Well, in fact, they did.
Tables similar to ours date back to the Babylonians and were known and studied in Europe centuries before Napier. In 1484 the French mathematician Nicolas Chuquet discovered what we now call
(somewhat misleadingly) index laws. In particular, Chuquet understood the identity which we would now write as 2c x 2d = 2c+d, exactly the property of powers we used above (with c = 9 and d = 8), and exactly the relationship expressed by the log rule above. Chuquet's work was not properly published until 1880, however 16th century German mathematicians were independently making the same discoveries.
In particular, in 1550 Adam Ries noted that such a table could be used to calculate 512 x 256, precisely as we have above.
The trouble, of course, is that the gaps between the numbers in such tables are so great that the tables are generally useless, even for obtaining approximate answers. So, tricks such as Ries's, though exemplifying important mathematical identities, were not considered to have general application as a computational device. However, it is not as if the mathematicians and scientists of the time weren't on the lookout for some efficient method of multiplication (and, even more so, division).
One remarkable, and remarkably titled, method employed by astronomers in the late 16th century was prosthaphaeresis. Similar to Ries's trick, prosthaphaeresis was a method of transforming the calculation of a
product into that of a sum, doing so by way of converting the numbers to be multiplied into
trigonometric quantities. The method was ingenious and, since accurate tables of trigonometric functions were readily available, it was often simpler than multiplying directly. However, and though it
may be difficult to believe, multiplying by way of trigonometry was artificial and awkward.
It seems likely that Napier knew of the method of prosthaphaeresis, and it is possible that the knowledge of that method spurred him on to find something better. Which he did.
In effect, Napier simply fine-tuned Ries's trick to be much more accurate. To do so, all that was required was to make the gaps between the numbers in his table smaller, and there was an easy way to do that: just choose a base much closer to 1, so the table of powers would grow much more slowly.
And that's it: Napier's tables are complicated in their definition, but it was equivalent to his using a base of (approximately) 1.0000001.
With historical hindsight Napier's idea was ingeniously simple. However there were two excellent reasons why it was anything but simple for Napier.
First of all, the powerful notation (pun intended) ab was not yet around, and the idea of negative powers (as reciprocals) and fractional powers (as roots) were just then being sorted out. It seems likely that Napier wasn't
aware of the index laws, even for positive whole numbers; Napier's description and explanation of logarithms was very geometric, almost physical,
rather than algebraic. (The Swiss
mathematician Jost Bürgi, who independently developed the theory of logarithms around the
same time as Napier, was directly motivated by the index laws.) The second issue is that decimals, which obviously would have come in handy, were very new; Napier effectively avoided the use of decimals by scaling all his logs by a factor 107.
As a consequence of Napier's approach, his logarithms were awkwardly defined and awkward to use. In particular, they didn't obey the log rules in the simple form indicated above. However, it didn't take much to put things right.
British mathematician Henry Briggs immediately saw the value of Napier's work and contacted Napier. They met in 1615, by which time Napier had already decided that 10 was the most useful base for his logarithms (effectively employing fractional powers), and to effectively eliminate the scaling, instead employing decimals. The result were base 10 logarithms as we know them today. Napier died in 1617, but Briggs went on to produce a partial table of logarithms in 1624, which was then completed in 1628 by Danish publisher
Adriaan Vlacq. Vlacq's tables became the source of almost all subsequent logarithm tables, and so were the constant companions of all mathematicians and scientists, and all schoolchildren, for the next 350 years.
Of course, once electronic calculators became cheap and readily available, log tables went the way of the dodo. And fair enough. Your Maths Masters are old enough (just) to have been taught with log tables and slide rules; they were very impressive, but they were still work, and it's not like they ever made arithmetic fun.
Nonetheless it is sad to see such a fundamentally beautiful idea disappear from general view. Sure,
natural logarithms still play a
pivotal role in calculus, but it's not the same; logarithms once played a pivotal role in everything.
So, it's not that we feel logarithms' 400th anniversary should have the same pomp as its 300th. Of course we understand that their time as a computational tool has passed. Still, it is poignant, that mathematics that for over three centuries was so central to so many people, should just slip
to be just another part of history.
Burkard Polster teaches mathematics at Monash and is the university's resident mathemagician, mathematical juggler, origami expert, bubble-master, shoelace charmer, and Count von Count impersonator.
Marty Ross is a mathematical nomad. His hobby is helping Barbie collect old slide rules.
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